Все функции Multi-Hack'а: Aimbot: -Weapon Configs (1 = All, 2 = Groups) -Overlay Update Delay (Set higher if Slow PC / Reduces Preformance) -Aimbot (FOV, Smooth, Silent, Enemy Only, Time) -Customizable Intelligent Aimbot (Minimal and Maximal FOV and Smooth) -Bullet Control (Example: BulletControl Min 2, BulletControl Max 5 = Aimbot only aims if you have 2-5 ammo / W.I.P) -RCS / No Recoil (Recoil-Control System)
Triggerbot: -Triggerbot (HeadOnly, AutoWall, EnemyOnly) -TriggerAim (Weapon Configs, Delay,Hold, Time,Bone, RCS / No Recoil)
Radar: -Radar (Enabled, Enemy Only, Position, Range, Size, Background Color, Line Color, CT Color, T Color)
ESP: -Customizable 3D ESP (Color, Thickness, Enemy Only) -Customizable 2D ESP (Color, Thickness, Enemy Only) -Customizable Dot ESP (Bone, Size, Color) -Far ESP -Skeleton ESP (Enabled, Thickness, T Color, CT Color) -Name, Distance, Weapon and Health ESP (Enabled, T Color, CT Color)
Crosshair: -Customizable Crosshair (Length, Thickness, Style, Color) -Crosshair Sniper-Only
Misc: -Customizable Hack Console: Color Customizable, Silent Load (Set Console to 0 and disable Overlay) -Customizable Crosshair (Color, Size, Style, Thickness) -BunnyHop -Update Delay -Consistency Bypass -Cheats Bypass-PlayerID Bypass (Trigger on all servers) -DrawModels Bypass -NoSmoke -NoFlash -Knifebot (Enabled, Enemy Only, Distance, Key) -AutoPistol (Enabled, Key) -Loader Music (Enabled, Chooseable Loader Music) -Overlay Features (VSync, Max FPS, Show FPS)
Future Features: -Menu(Arrow key)